Sunday, August 28, 2011


Howdy!!! Sometimes a lot of people ask us do you only draw Monkeys? And I always reply of course not. I also draw KUNG FU!!! This past Thursday I attended my first Drawing Club. It's a super nice relaxing evening workshop in Glendale with themed figure drawing models. Last Thursday's theme was Hong Kong Cinema so of course I had to attend!!! It's been awhile since I've done any figure drawing. Actually I think this was my first time actually doing a live figure drawing. Let's take a look at my quick sketches, shall we?
Not too shabby, but I still have a long ways to go. That's the great thing about being an artist. You constantly have to keep improving and learning from your environment and all the awesome people around you. Speaking of awesome people. Take a look at John Yu's custom Deadly Ninja Monkey he painted up. Here's a photo he sent me.
That's pretty SAAAHHHWEEET!!! Speaking of sweet folks. Here's Lil' Miss Broyles and her Kung Fu Cutey shirt.
She's definitely a Kung Fu Cutey!!! Well that's about it for this week. Oh yeah, hold on here's this weeks Post-It Project Posting...vroom...vroom...
Thanks so much everybody for always sending me photos of your customs or you wearing your Hyperactive Monkey gear. It means a lot to me!!! Keep on Hyperactive Monkeying!!! Ciaoooo!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hyperactive Shaolin Monkeys and Rabbits!!!

Howdy folks!!! Last month I was lucky enough to participate in my first custom toy show! It was quite an honor to have a piece at the Japanese American National Museum in Little Tokyo, right next to MOCA. I was given a blank Kidrobot Frank Kozik Labbit. It looked like this before I got my monkey mittens over it.
A handful of Sharpie paint markers and a few seconds later...voilà, HYPERACTIVE SHAOLIN RABBIT!!!!!
All right, just took more than a few seconds to do this lil' bad boy. But it was a great show with lots of great artists and works. Let's take a look at the opening night of the show. Shall we?
Lots of talented artists and gorgeous customs!!! The show also happened to be in conjunction with Stan Sakai's Art of Usagi Yojimbo. Ever since I was young I loved Usagi Yojimbo. A lot of Hyperactive Monkey is in a way influenced by that samurai rabbit. It was quite an honor to meet Stan and chat about our favorite fearless rabbit. What could be better than meeting one of your favorite artists?
How about getting to do a sketch of a Shaolin Monkey next to Usagi Yojimbo!!!! So cool!!! Stan was super nice and said he thought my character was very cool. Thanks Stan!!!
So there ya have it. It was an awesome opening of my first custom show and it was even cooler that my piece sold the following day and I got to meet my favorite artist. I donated all the proceeds of my sale to the museum, which I frequent often. Everything was as red as roses. Speaking of flowers, here's this week's Post-It Project posting.
Well there ya have it!!! Tootles for now!!!