Woweee!!! This has been one monkey that has been M.I.A for awhile. Sorry about that. It's been quite a busy month. First, I'd like to announce that Hyperactive Monkey has just done it's first sit down media interview. I had the chance in April to sit down and talk about all things Hyperactive Monkey with Dodger from the show Dodge This!!! Here's a photo that we took during the interview...It was a fun quick little chat. I was a bit nervous, but all monkeys get nervous in front of cameras right? Anyhoo without any further ado...Here's the interviews...(one's an extended chat)... Speaking of monkeys out and about in the media. Look what else is in stores...Well that's about it for now. We are busy getting ready for Anime Expo 2011 and Comic Con 2011. Yup that's right Hyperactive Monkey will be at Comic con 2011. If you're extra nice, I'll show what we have planned in store for SDCC in the next few weeks...Oh yeah here's the Post-Its from the Post-It Project.Tootles for now!!!
Dodge what?! Dodge this cute lil' monkeh!!!