Golly gee Hyperactive Monkeyers!!! It's been an eternity since I've updated the blog. So sorry about that. "What's the hold up!?" you may be asking yourselves. Well I'll tell ya. It's been a crazy month full of conventions. You could say, "We've Monkey-Con Crazy!!!" Get it? HAHAHA!! First up we exhibited at the 2011 Anime Expo in Downtown LA.

It was a super fun and crazy time. The highlight of the convention was getting to see new and old friends and fans. Take a look below.

Here's our good friend Mitchell. He's a super funny guy who is very creative. He created the Skelanimals!!! He even gave us a signed set of limited edition Skelanimals figures!!! YAY!!

Next we have Dodger and Erin from the GameStation!!! These two gals are super nice and awesome!!! They were kind enough to put us in their
Anime Expo recap video!!! DOUBLE YAY!!!

Last but not least, these lil' guys mean so much to me because their mom told me they saved up for a whole year and spent their savings on my hats and buttons. It truly means so much when someone stops by and admires my work. Thanks lil' guys!!!
So next up we have San Diego Comic Con 2011!!! It's the first time we have ever exhibited there, and thanks to Squid Kids Ink we were able to share a booth with them in the midst of all the action. Let's take a look. Shall we?

Wowsers looks like a lot of fun, huh? Well you're right. It was especially fun because we got to meet so many new and old friends. Like this guy!!!

That's right Kevin Pereira from G4 stopped by to take a look at all things Hyperactive Monkey. He really liked our stuff. He was super nice and funny!!!

Here are the mega-talented artists Podgy Panda and Ritzy Periwinkle!!! It was so nice for them to stop by and say hi!! We partied pretty hard the next night, but we'll keep that hush hush! haha!!!

Here are some more uber-talented artists. Tracy "The Nightwing" Tubera and Steve James from Finesse Skateboards are just as nice as they are talented!!!

Here's "Kung-Fu Movie Madness" Mel and Erin Fitzgerald, who does amazing voice acting for such awesome cartoons like Monster High. Tracy is still here lingering from the previous photo. Haha!!

Here's Daisy and Michelle. Michelle is our representative from the San Diego branch office of Hyperactive Monkey. Haha just kidding, not really. Actually I've known Michelle my whole life, and it was super awesome for her to help out at the booth.

So every year I'm lucky to meet a famous celeb at the con. This year I didn't think it would happen because I was behind the booth the whole time. But Daisy was kind enough to handle the booth by herself while I got to meet a childhood hero of mine. That's right, this lil' monkey got to meet Hulk Hogan. He even put me in a head lock!!!
So we all had a super fun yet exhausting time a Comic Con. It was definitely a most memorable experience, and we hope to be back next year. Big shout outs to Jesse Hernandez, Spanky Stokes, Toysrevil, Jack from Vinyl Pulse, Beast Brothers, Ritzy Periwinkle, Podgy Panda, Angie Vtech, Sebastien Pablo and his lovely family, Michelle Chang, Anthony P. Gonzales, Kwestone, Tracy Tubera, Jonathan Ma, Nakanari and all the fans and friends that stopped by whether to buy something or just say hi. A super big thanks to Squid Kids Ink who always let this Hyperactive Monkey hang and share some space. None of it would be possible without your kindness and friendship. Last but not least, thanks to Daisy who always keeps this ship sailing smoothly. Whether it's setup, teardown, or sales, she always keeps this boat a float. Mega kissy thanks!!! Anyhoo that's it for now, it's been almost two weeks since the con, and I'm still beat. Oh yeah, here are two weeks' worth of the Post It Project!!!

See ya soon Hyperactive Monkeyers!!! Tootles and Ciaooooooo!!!