Golly Gee!!! It's been awhile since I've made a post, but that's what you get when you spend the holidays deep in the monkey jungles of monkey land. Anyhoo, 2010 was a great year for Hyperactive Monkey. We pretty much exhibited at all the west coast cons and boy did we ever meet some great fans and talented artists. Speakin' of lookin' back, while I was doing some cleaning in the Hyperactive Monkey office, I stumbled upon this lil stack of post its. It was little project I started about 3 years ago at my old day job. They were lots of phone calls and meetings that were kinda boring so I used to doodle on lil' post its while no one was looking. I used to do one a day. After 49 days, I had drawn 49 Post-It monkeys!!! Here's the first set!

And the second set...

And the third set...

And finally the fourth set...

So this lil' project got me thinking about a new post-it project. Something more ambitious and better. So guess what? I plan on doing a 2011 Hyperactive Monkey Post-It Project. This will entail a post-it monkey doodle-a-day during the work week for the entire year of 2011. And I'll post 5 at the end of every week. Ambitious? YAY! Crazy? YAY! Utterly Hyperactive? YAY!!! So here's the first set of monkey post-its for 2011.

It's gonna be a fun 2011 from the Hyperactive Monkey lab. We got so many upcoming new projects many of which are top secret, but I'll maybe let you guys sneak a peak in upcoming weeks. So stay happy and hyperactive! Enjoy!