Wowee!!! Things have been super busy in the Hyperactive Monkey Kitchen. We've been cooking some great things to share with you. First up we'll be at
2010 Designer Con this Saturday at the Pasadena Convention Center (300 East Green Street Pasadena, CA 91101) from 10am to 5pm at booth #424. We'll be debuting some very new goodies like this lil' guy, THE HEARTBREAK EDITION OF THE DEADLY NINJA MONKEY!!! And to top it off he's only $30!!!

We'll also be debuting our brand new 6 mini-print pack. And it's only $5 for 6 prints of pure monkey goodness!!! Take look!!!

Pretty nice huh? We got one more thing that we'll also be debuting at D-Con! And it's our custom we need for
Squid Kids Ink's So Analog Custom show (Booth #426). My piece is entitled GAME OF DEATH!!!

That's about it for now, hyperactive monkeyers!!! Hope to see you Saturday. Before I leave for now, just wanted to say a few things. We've gotten such good feedback from all of our fans and friends. I just wanted to give a big ol' hyperactive monkey thanks to you all for supporting us and letting us continue to do what we love. It's truly a great opportunity to be able to share all the creative craziness in my head with you. Thanks again! Monkey out!